Θέλω να πάω σε ένα μέρος. Που δεν θα υπάρχουν όλα αυτά. Δεν θα υπάρχουν όλα αυτά. Θα υπάρχει μόνο ένα. Και αυτό το ένα θα είναι τα πάντα. Θα το ξέρει. Μα δε θα το νοιάζει. Δεν θα υπάρχει κάτι άλλο για να το αμφισβητήσει. Γιατί και το άλλο ένα θα είναι. Θέλω να…
The traveller
I had to be born in a land that was claimed. By those who owned nothing but took without shame. I had to be raised by a man and a woman. Who saw me as a child and not an equal human. I had to be judged by those who knew little. As they seeked…
She thought she knew her journey. She thought she was starting to lift. Until she didn’t. And one day she saw her reflection. The mirror said ‘’You shall not lift, if you haven’t fallen yet’’. ‘’How does one fall?’’ she wondered. ‘’One falls in love’’. So she did. She fell in love with a person,…
Do you see?
Are You there? I seem to feel it. Yet, I cannot see it. Distracted by the rainbows of the day and the stars of the night. What a joy is to be protected by a sky full of miracles.. Are you there? There seems to be something beyond what I can see. Yet, I cannot…
One day..
I sometimes feel there is still light inside me. Waiting for that moment to burst out, take over. Become the space, become the time. I sometimes hear the whispers of the breeze. And though I want to listen, I close my eyes and dream of what could have been. I sometimes know that you and…
The illusion
I am not of this world, for I am the world. I am not of these clothes, for the truth is naked. I am not of my body, for it is a cloak for the soul. I am not of my feelings, those rhythmic and erratic heartbeats. I am not of my words, for they…
The path
Through warm and cold, through light and dark, the energy flows. I feel my heart. Breathing in and out, I hear no sound. I lose my self. But I am found. I’m not the warmth, nor I am the cold. I am the path that leads to God. by Maria Hadjistylli The only path to…
Αγάπη (greek)
Με ρώτησες κάποτε αν ξέρω τι είναι η αγάπη. Απάτη, σου απάντησα, η αγάπη είναι απάτη. Τότε με πήρες απ’ το χέρι και μου έδειξες τον κήπο. Αυτός μου απάντησε με χρώματα και άνθη. Απάτη, εγώ του φώναξα, μ’ ακούς; Η αγάπη είναι απάτη. Είδαμε τον ουρανό να ανάβει και να σβήνει. Μου στείλανε όνειρα…
Η στιγμή του χρόνου (greek)
Πάνω απ’ της πόλης τη βουή πετάξανε δυο γλάροι. Φτερούγισ’ ο ένας στην αυγή, ο άλλος στο φεγγάρι. Φτερούγισε και η ψυχή σαν ξύπνησε ο πόθος. Σαν τα πουλιά ζητά κι αυτή λύτρωση να βρει ο χρόνος. Τον χρόνο δεν τονε μετράς με λόγια κι υποσχέσεις. Τονε μετράς με όνειρα που έπαψες να έχεις. Κάθε…
Choices are for us to make, to live in peace or laws to break. Your stomach will be full. What will be the fuel? Your eyes will watch. But what will they see? Your hands will touch. To grab gold or feel a tree? Your mouth will speak. Your words, what do they seek? Your…